Appeals Deadline Missed in Death Penalty Case

A criminal case is filled with deadlines and procedural rules. Often when those deadlines are missed, there’s no recourse—no matter the reason. So, when a death row inmate missed an appeal deadline through no fault of his own, he has seen little sympathy from the courts.

Cory Maples sits on death row in Alabama for the murder of two companions. His guilt isn’t in question, according to this New York Times article. Instead, his appeals rest on whether the death penalty was an appropriate sentence. These issues have taken a back seat, for now at least, as the courts determine how and if to rectify the missed appeals deadline. [Read more…]

Dept. of Justice Defends Drug Courts Before House Panel

Drug courts are specialized courts that seek to keep people out of the criminal justice system. Rather than focusing on punitive measures like prison time, they instead focus on rehabilitation and prevention. Despite such courts coming under fire from the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Inspector General, the DOJ’s acting Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance defended them before a House Panel this week. [Read more…]

U.S. Attorney General Supports Expanding Drug Courts

Though not present in every jurisdiction, drug courts are an effective alternative to the typical criminal courts when it comes to drug offenses. These courts began in Florida in 1989 and are now present in every state, to one extent or another. United States Attorney General Eric Holder announced this week that drug courts are a “top priority” to the Justice Department. [Read more…]